SIGN Timeline

Explore 25 years of SIGN’s history and accomplishments. If you want to share a SIGN memory, please email us.

Man in the Bed

The plight of this man from Indonesia, who laid in bed for 3 years waiting for his fracture to heal, inspired Dr. Zirkle to design and create implants for use in LMIC — the idea that would come to life as SIGN Fracture Care.
— 1996

SIGN Founded

SIGN was recognized as a non-profit organization in the state of Washington, and began operations.
— 1999

SIGN Nail Used in Retrograde Femur

Dr. Zirkle and Dr. Tuan met a young woman from Vietnam with a fractured tibia and femur, and used SIGN Nails to stabilize both bones. Six weeks after surgery, she was able to stand on her injured leg.
— 2001

SIGN Surgical Database Launched

A system for collecting data on surgeries was created, with surgeons mailing CDs of data on surgeries to SIGN HQ. This laid the foundation for the largest long bone fracture care database in the world, which guides SIGN’s research and innovation.
— 2001

Building Production Capacity

Dr. Zirkle’s father, Lewis G. Zirkle, Sr., generously donated funds for the purchase of machines and to remodel the first shop.
— 2001

First Annual SIGN Conference

The first SIGN Conference was held at our HQ, sharing information about SIGN Instruments and Implants with surgeons.
— 2001

SIGN Nail Used in Antegrade Femur

Dr. Quang, from Vietnam, first used the approach from the top of the femur, taking advantage of the bend in the SIGN Nail. SIGN Engineers studied the results and confirmed the antegrade approach was effective.
— 2002

SIGN Nail Used in Humerus

Dr. Antao, from India, stabilized a patient’s fractured humerus with a SIGN Nail, confirming that it was effective for use in all long bones.
— 2002

SIGN Fin Nail Created

Dr. Zirkle and SIGN Engineers developed the Fin Nail, which uses fins at the distal end of the nail, rather than interlocking screws for fixation.
— 2004

Pakistan Earthquake

Dr. Zirkle immediately traveled and performed surgery after a serious earthquake in Abbottabad. He discovered the need for a device to hold bone fragments in surgery. SIGN Engineers quickly developed a distractor, and Dr. Zirkle used it 3 weeks later, when he and Jeanne returned to Pakistan.
— 2005

Tsunami Response

Dr. Zirkle and Jeanne traveled to Banda Aceh, Indonesia, following a 7.1 earthquake and tsunami. They worked with Dr. Azharuddin in some of the hardest-hit areas and developed a SIGN Program in his hospital. Six months later, they returned and established several new SIGN Programs.
— 2005

SIGN System and Technique Patented

SIGN’s devices and technique for securing an IM nail within a bone received a US patent.
— 2006

Manufacturing Shop Expanded

In response to the growing demand, we expanded into an additional 20,000 square feet and added new machines.
— 2007

Signature Center Created

As a part of the SIGN HQ expansion, we built a conference center that can hold 150 people. Since then, the room has been used for lectures during the annual SIGN Conference, staff meetings, and community events.
— 2007

New Machines in Shop

With the purchase of a Tornos lathe, production of SIGN Nails dramatically increased.
— 2010

Haiti Earthquake Response

Dr. Zirkle and Jeanne traveled to Haiti six days after the earthquake that destroyed huge sections of Port-au- Prince and leveled at least two hospitals. They brought 10 SIGN Starter Sets with them and traveled from portable hospital to portable hospital training US volunteers and local surgeons to use the SIGN Implants. After the response to the earthquake, 13 SIGN Programs were started and continue today.
— 2010

SIGN Pediatric Fin Nail Created

Innovating on the SIGN Fin Nail, engineers developed the SIGN Pediatric Fin Nail that avoids placing screws in the growth center of children’s bones.
— 2010

100,000 Patients Healed with SIGN Implants

— 2011

SIGN Hip Construct Patented

The use of a SIGN Nail in conjunction with a plate and compression screws to treat fractures of the femoral head receives a patent.
— 2012

Nepal Earthquake Response

In April, Nepal experienced a terrifying earthquake, resulting in many injuries. Nepal SIGN Surgeons were proud of the fact that they already had SIGN Equipment and training, so they were able to politely decline offers for help from the US and other regions. Instead, the surgeons asked for additional SIGN Implants and donated equipment, which we were able to send within days of their request.
— 2015

200,000 Patients Healed with SIGN Implants

— 2017

Bioskills Lab at SIGN Conference

Surgical Training Institute donated their mobile bioskills laboratory for use during the SIGN Conference. Surgeons in LMIC rarely have access to cadaver or bioskills labs. This is the next best thing to performing surgery, and every surgeon appreciated the opportunity to gain that kind of hands-on experience.
— 2017

US Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service

Dr. Zirkle received this award for a lifetime of service benefitting his fellow citizens and all of humanity, presented by US Secretary of Defense James Mattis.
— 2018

SIGN Compression System Patented

The SIGN Compression System, used to hold fractured bone fragments together in a surgery, receives a patent.
— 2019

300,000 Patients Healed with SIGN Implants

— 2019

Development Cell Created

With donated machines from Acumed, we created a development cell in the machine shop. This increased our efficiency by enabling rapid prototyping of new devices and freeing up other machines to produce more implants.
— 2020

Launched Digital Education

With international travel shut down, SIGN launched monthly webinars for surgeons, providing practical education in an easily accessible format. Each training session had at least one international surgeon as faculty.
— 2020

Procedural Learning Center Created

Onsite bioskills lab and classroom enables hands-on training at SIGN Conferences and ongoing opportunities for research and testing of SIGN Products and Techniques.
— 2020

Shop Upgrades

After purchasing two new STAR Screw machines and a re-organization of the shop floor, machinists were able to significantly increase production and reduce rejection rates, raising the quality and quantity of SIGN Implants we are able to produce.
— 2021

400,000 Patients Healed with SIGN Implants

— 2023

SIGN Spine Launched

SIGN expands into spine surgery with the launch of two pilot projects.
— 2023

SIGN turns 25!

— 2024

Thank You

for supporting SIGN and making these achievements possible!